Paul Rich
Past Member


Being involved with Flash was a defining moment in my life. Performing was fun, sure... But it was the people I went back for, time and time again. Building those friendships nurtured me into the person I am today, and I will forever be indebted to Terry & Flash for giving me that camaraderie and confidence at a very important time in my life. In fact, I'd go as far to say they were the very best days of my adolescent life.

Performing regularly from an early age with Flash, building confidence in performance, getting stronger with constant singing and dancing, I have found has given me an edge into my career. People often mention how much stage presence I have. And how comfortable I look on stage. This all stems from Flash.  It put me on the right path of becoming the performer I am today, and I don't believe I'd be where I am today without Flash and the friends I made there.